Sunday, June 23, 2019

Shaun Tan

The Shaun Tan interview livestreamed from the Sydney Opera House on 7th June was amazing!
We registered our school and had the big screen in operation in the library.
It was great to  see that some schools had pre-recorded questions for Shaun and he was so open and giving with his answers.
An incredible artist I have admired his books and especially his illustrations for a long time. 'The Rabbits' and 'The Lost Thing' are favourites.
A great initiative from the Creative Learning Team at the Sydney Opera House.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Lenny's Book Of Everything

Lenny's Book of Everything
by Karen Foxlee (2018)

A beautifully told story of a family struggling to  cope  with  many hardships. Told through the eyes of young Lenny Spink we learn of her  absent  father  (Peter Leonard Spink) and her mothers'  struggle to provide for the family with two part time jobs. Lenny's younger brother Davey is abnormally large for his age growing at an alarming rate, and he is eventually  diagnosed with tumours on his pituitary gland which require an operation and radiation. There are  no close family  members to help with  the care of  Lenny and Davey, and Cynthia Spink , the mother relies  on a neighbour ,the elderly Mrs Gasper to  help out. Mrs Gasper becomes family, almost grandmother-like telling the children stories and helping to care for them in times of need. There has been a falling out with family and the children have never met their maternal  grandmother, only spoken to her on the phone.
Lenny and Davey wonder what their father was like, where he might be, if he will ever return  and why he left. The reader senses a yearning in Lenny  for a father figure, and loss over his leaving them. The two children watch the arrivals and departures at the local bus stop from the bedroom window, watching for their father's return  and dream of escaping themselves.
Lenny has two close friends who accept and support  her and all her troubles.
Lenny and Davey's relationship is the core of the story. They are close with Lenny being the eldest. The two children spend hours pouring over the latest edition of a build it yourself encyclopaedia  set that arrives weekly. The editions expand the children's narrow experience of the world,  in alphabetical order. However Lenny often finds herself embarrassed and ashamed of her abnormally large younger brother and ' .....the shame of being ashamed was even worse than the shame'.  Love and shame. Complicated emotions for a young person.
A story of love, acceptance, perseverance and loss.

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Anzac Day Display

A team effort produced our library Anzac Day display.
We began by making a collaged background using wordart.

We used an overhead projector to enlarge a silhouette of a soldier, painted it black, cut it out and glued it to the collaged background.

We printed off some poppies on red paper and encouraged the students and staff to write what Anzac day means to them. We added these poppies to the display.

Lest we forget.

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Library Lovers Day Display

Library Lovers Day on the 14th February.....
I combined a few ideas for the display. Firstly I searched the catalogue for books on relationships, love and romance.....I made note of their first few lines....wrapped them in brown paper and attached the  books first few lines to the front of the package......blind date with a book kind of thing.

The larger display has used the posters from ALIA created for LIBRARY LOVERS DAY 2019...

I then added some extra library lovers hearts with pegs and string pinned at diagonals to the back board......

.....and asked the question 'Are my first few lines enough for you to check me out?'

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Snow Falling On Cedars

'Snow Falling on Cedars'

David Guterson
After a slow start I eventually became engrossed in the story and found it hard to put the book down. Published in 1995 the book slid into the return shoot at the library where I work and I wondered why I  had not read it before now.
The story involves the trial of a local fisherman for the murder of another. Both men  live in a small close knit community on San Pedro, an island  in Puget Sound. The time frame  is post WWII  and as the story line unfolds we are given detailed information about each character and their relationships with one another. We learn of forbidden love between  Ishmael  and Japanese /American Hatsue, of childhood friendships  soured by prejudice and anti- Japanese sentiment during and post WWII, of a resentment between two families over the ownership of a small piece of land. We are left wondering what exactly did happen on the boat that night?
I loved it!